Jayhawk Software System Requirements

Jayhawk Software System Requirements

These are the system requirements and recommendations for running our Jayhawk Billing Software.

*Please remember, these specifications are very general. There are systems with lower specifications that run the software. Factors such as size of database (determined by number of billed customers and years of history), operating system, etc. affect these requirements. Processor can be Intel or AMD and Windows should have the latest Service Packs (updates) installed. Printer and handheld models change regularly so please call for the current models supported.  If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact Jayhawk Software.

System Requirements

Processor* 2.4 GHz single core Dual core or better
8 GB 16 GB or more
Disk Space 30 GB free 30 GB free or more
Operating System* Windows 8 Professional or newer Windows 11 Professional (Latest SP) or newer
Monitor* 1024x768 resolution 1920x1080 resolution
Printer Laser Lexmark / HP
(if Postcard Bills)
Contact Jayhawk for Specifications

Solus System Requirements

Processor* 2 GHz Dual core 2.4 GHz Dual core or better
8 GB 16 GB or more
Disk Space 30 GB free 30 GB free or more
Operating System* Windows 8 Professional or newer Windows 11 Professional (Latest SP) or newer
Monitor* 1280x1024 resolution 1920x1080 resolution
Printer Laser Lexmark / HP
(if Postcard Bills)
Contact Jayhawk for Specifications

Server System Requirements

Processor* 2 GHz Dual core Dual core or better
8 GB 16 GB or more
Disk Space 30 GB free 30 GB free or more
Operating System* Server 2012 R2 Server 2012 R2 or Higher
Monitor* 1280x1024 resolution 1920x1080 resolution
Printer Laser Lexmark / HP
(if Postcard Bills)
Contact Jayhawk for Specifications